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Susan Atchison

Susan Atchison

Susan L. Atchison is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, with over 20 years of counseling, speaking and teaching. Her approach is multi-disciplinary, weaving a tapestry of wisdom from many sources. Her style is engaging, personal, and interactive. In addition to providing value for the attendees, she attends to the sponsor of the speech by being organized, efficient and on time.

As Seen On

I liked Susan’s approach, she brought everyone into the group and encouraged participation. Fun and insightful evening.

Mary B

The class was interactive and the instructor was knowledgeable, calm and very energizing during the course.


I came in with little knowledge and left with so much more than I could’ve expected. Thank you!!


Expand the boxes below to check out the workshops that I currently offer.

The Top 5 Ways to Release Stress

Available in person or via virtual portals

Stress decreases efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. But you don’t have to let stress derail your company’s success. With this engaging and interactive class, your employees will learn five quick and easy ways to reduce stress – whenever they need to and wherever they are. They’ll be re-invigorated and reenergized to reach your goals.

Choose from:

  • 60 minute class
  • 90 minute class


The average stress/calm score on a scale of 1-10, with 1= Very Stressed and 10 = Very Calm

Before the class was 3.7.
After the class it was 9.1!

Great tools to help de-stress and some can be used anywhere! ~ L.M.

Liked everything – the music, laughter, explanations, connection. ~ KMA

I loved the stories and interaction. ~ Gail Rosen

Loved the demonstrations. I felt calm when I left. ~ Katie Miller (went from a 1 to a 10)

The class was interactive and the instructor was knowledgeable, calm and very
energizing during the course.

(Liked) the variety of technique taught, and the hands-on practice of some techniques

Instructor very nice & knowledgeable; (liked) learning new techniques to relax. ~ SS

The Power of Laughter

Available in person or via virtual portal

Laughter relaxes muscles, encourages deep and full breathing, oxygenates the body, relaxes the muscles, promotes mental clarity and focus, builds self-confidence, and feels good! A ‘laughter break’ can be more refreshing and reinvigorating than a coffee break, and encourages group cohesiveness at the same time.

One hour class

The Power of a Calm Mind - Intro to Meditation

For both beginning and experienced meditators
Available in person and via virtual portal

Studies show that meditation can calm emotions, increase the ability to process information and even soften physical pain. The National Institute of Health (NIH) reports that meditation may physically change the brain and body, with lasting effects beyond the time you spend in meditation. Regular meditation trains your brain to be clear, focused and calm, even in challenging situations

In this one-hour class, we will:

  • Practice an easy exercise to free our bodies from tension
  • Learn about the benefits of meditation
  • Understand how to move past difficulties in meditation
  • Experience several types of meditation so you can find what fits you best

Meditating in a group setting makes it easier and more fun.


It was relaxing.

I enjoyed this class. This was the most relaxed I have felt all week long. I’m going to use this on a regular basis at home and when I’m feeling stressed.

It was a great way to relax and learn ways to relax and calm the self.

It was a really good experience; helped calm down & relieve stress. It's been time really well spent. ~ D.B.

Very EASY to follow and do. Calming & peaceful for anybody to do. ~ Linda Tracy

(Liked) The beautiful birds and wind chimes playing; Susan’s soothing and consistent voice guiding me. The rubbing of my hands together to create heat & then placing them on my eyes towards the end. Everything was great! ~ Susan O’Connor

The sounds of the music & the gentleness of your voice brought me to a deep state of relaxation. ~RT

The Power of Listening- How to be More Effective at Work

We achieve our goals through relationships, and relationships are based on listening.

Listening skills are not taught in school, but you can easily learn how to be a Listening

Ninja. Power up your listening skills to be more effective at work – with bosses, subordinates, and customers.

Choose from:
– One hour talk
– Half day class
– Full day workshop

Intuition for Business - How to be more Effective

Intuition is the quiet thought that says, “Now would be a good time to call that customer,” or “Here’s where you can find the resource you need.” While intuition was once thought to be ‘woo-woo,’ in today’s fast paced business environment, savvy managers are realizing that it can be the key to new, productive ideas and good decisions as well as being more efficient and effective with current projects.

Discover how to identify your own preferred intuitive style. Learn how to distinguish intuition from fear, doubt and desire. Practice and take home exercises to help you develop and strengthen your intuition.

Half-day class


Very informative and useful. ~ BLM

Excellent job

Susan has a wonderful presence and sense of humor

Good information and well-presented. Great handouts – thanks for those

Good handouts

Knowledgeable; great examples!

Good explanation

Very interesting, calming manner

Very interesting – great handouts

Speaker had great, joyful, attentive energy

Wonderful experience

Audience interaction, handouts, fun. Presenter’s enthusiasm and wonderful energy.

Sense of humor, wonderful handout – clear and complete. Allowed me to relax and attend the presentation fully. A minimum of anecdotes!



Vision Boards to Create New Business Possibilities

Available In person only

When you are planning your future success, visuals are key to creating the mindset that will make those plans come into being: ‘A picture is worth 1,000 words.’ Pictures get processed by the brain’s subconscious, and it is the subconscious that determines our drive to succeed and belief that we can do so. Making vision boards of your goals is a fun group activity that can bond the group in intention to make your goals a reality, while at the same time giving each employee an opportunity to brainstorm and express that success in their own way – which in turn solidifies their dedication to it.

During this fun class, you will:

  • Relax with a guided meditation to ground and center you
  • Set your intentions for what you’d like your Vision Board to manifest for you
  • Get helpful ideas on how to create your Vision Board
  • Choose the pictures and words that best symbolize your intentions
  • Assemble them on your board in a way that speaks to you
  • Learn secrets on how to best use your Vision Board
  • Inspiration, creativity and fun!

90-minute workshop


Very relaxing. Time to spend with myself and think about what is really important to me. Focus on moving forward in my life. ~ July M.

I would not have been able to do this on my own – Susan was a great facilitator, well organized. I’m so excited to use this board in 2020! ~ B.G.

The meditation preparation began the stress level depletion – able to better focus on my vision board, which really helped bring my goals into a ‘start’ (beginning) of “Harmony.” ~ Barbara

The guided meditation, creative process & Susan. ~ Kristin Lanigan

Helped open my mind to all my possibilities. Very open and fun. Terri M.

Have something else in mind? Get in touch!

8 + 15 =


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